Municipal Court

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Tonya Richardson

(409) 385-7991

The City of Silsbee Municipal Court, in accordance with State of Texas statutes, functions as a forum to provide citizens with a swift and impartial trial concerning possible violations of City ordinances and the penal statutes of the State of Texas.

The Court prepares complaints and administers oaths to persons filing complaints before the Court. The Municipal Court Clerk processes traffic and parking citations and issues summons and arrest warrants as provided by the Judge. The clerk reports traffic convictions to the Texas Department of Public Safety, accepts payment of fines for certain offenses as authorized by the Judge, accepts appearance bonds from persons charged with offenses and maintains accurate records. The clerk also schedules cases for hearing and prepares daily dockets.

This department has one City Judge, one Associate Judge, and one full-time clerk.

The City Attorney is the chief legal advisor for the City of Silsbee and it is the duty of this to provide the City Council and all departments with legal advice.